Friday, August 15, 2008

Act on changes to the Endangered Species Act

Don't just roll your eyes about the Bush Administration's lame-duck attempts to mess with the Endangered Species Act. Do something about it!

Thanks to another blogger, Burban Mom, for pointing this out:

Well, I just checked the DOI and the comment period on the proposed rules has officially opened. To read the proposed rule changes, go here. To comment on these changes, go here.

Don't feel like you have to get all fancy and long-winded (although that's great if you do!). But please, please, for the love of Mike, LEAVE A COMMENT OPPOSING THESE CHANGES! Even if it's just as simple as "I deeply oppose these proposed
changes and urge the DOI to reject these rules!". Just don't let slide this one through. Encourage others to leave their comments as well. Please, we really need VERYONE to voice their opinion. Please. Seriously. I'm begging. And that doesn't happen often.

So what are you waiting for??

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